>B< MaxiPro: Case study
eLearning and online training facility
One of Conex Bänninger’s newer plumbing fittings required users to take part in a brief training course and be certified to use it. This would then ensure a longer product guarantee to installers and their clients. They needed to integrate an eLearning training facility into their existing online platform, and because the company is multi-national, and product is sold across the world, it had to work in multiple languages.
Registration, tracking user progress and maintaining a log and record of users on the courses and qualifications was essential.

The solution:
A single platform was built for all markets to ensure good content management for the client via a single port of access and allow the updates to be shared in all markets and languages.
As it runs, a database of end users is compiled and tracking of activity is logged to assist with training and potential updates on product development or other online and offline promotional activities. The added benefits of this set up is to allow the client to engage with the end users via the data shared on product improvements and know how.
At the front end, the facility is heavily branded with additional information and resources provided through video, case studies and downloads. The user is given a step-by-step guide through the material he needs to cover and an easy navigation through the question section with a facility to save and return, certification and follow up communications.
This platform allows for other product training courses to be brought online and based on the same model and allows for additional resources to be utilised to benefit the user should the client want to do so in the future.