Establishing the product story
Concept & Design
Art direction

Establishing the product story
Concept & Design
Art direction
Common Sense believes that you should live life to its full potential, free from financial anxiety. They do this by showing clients how their lives and finances are linked, focusing on what really matters to you and then making sure that your expectations are met.
Common Sense Financial planning felt that the way to get across the importance of their service to their clients was to look at their financial needs in terms of a timeline of their life and the different needs they would have along the way. They wanted to demonstrate that online and needed a sales pack for one-to-one exclusive meetings with potential clients.

The solution
The design of their sales pack illustrated life as a staged journey during which they will have different needs and shows how they could fulfil those goals and make the future less scary. This complemented the software that Common Sense used to help their clients plan their investments. It also gave the team a useful sales tool to help their clients reach a decision.
Emotive imagery used throughout reminds customers that their lifestyle goals are achievable, whether simple or complex.
A new visual identity reflected an open and friendly approach and was extended to the new responsive website we developed, as well as stationery that utilized emotive ‘goal’ visuals on the reverse side of the business cards.