Latest thoughts and doings
Are you working from bed?
Did any of you see the article in the Guardian yesterday about the above? It really caught my eye as although it was related to Covid [...]
2020 – How was it for you?
For us, most of this year was summed up with the words ‘We’ll have to wait and see…’. It was the end point of many a planning [...]
What makes a strong B2B brand?
B2B brands should be just as aspirational as those in B2C. Manufacturing brands, engineering and other B2B services can sometimes overlook the importance of brand, sometimes feeling [...]
Marketing strategy for Covid-19 and future activity
TIME TO ASSESS, ADAPT & PREPARE Covid-19 has had quite an impact on our business and work lives, added to which is uncertainty because we can’t [...]
As we let out some of the breath we have collectively held since the virus made itself known, marketers are now looking at a future of likely economic recession, uncertainty from customers and restrictions on how we work together in the future.
Advertising budgets have been dramatically cut as is often the case when cost-savings need to be made in an organisation. *65% of marketers anticipate a decrease [...]
PHOTOGRAPHY – The big brand booster
Good photography is one of the strongest drivers in elevating your brand. Our vision is our strongest sense, so it’s going to make the most impact [...]